Diethnes + Poster for Rocking the Foundations  (1986), produced and directed by Pat Fiske. Image source: In 1973 a building on Pitt Street went up for auction with keen interest shown from developers to demolish the site. The building was home to an old Greek restaurant known as Diethnes which was run by a member of the Atlas League; a Greek workers association which was the home of the political and industrial Greek left in Sydney. At the auction in Pitt Street, Jack Mundey assured bidders that his fellow Builder’s Labourers would not allow any development to take place. Mundey imposed a green ban on the building for its historical and cultural value.  The auction scene was captured by filmmaker Pat Fiske in the documentary ‘Rocking the Foundations’. Research provided by Isabella Maher and Jo Holder


On the 50th anniversary of the Green Bans, the ideals of their struggle to protect heritage and environmental amenity for all to enjoy are more urgent than ever. In 2011 the Green Bans Art Walk and Exhibition (in two parts at The Cross Art Projects and The Firstdraft Depot Project Space), told the story of an inspired period, its charismatic leaders and grass-roots heroes. The project comprised a series of public guided walks between the exhibition venues functioned as a living instruction manual and moral compass charting stories of good and evil, creativity and conflict. Read more


The Powerhouse Museum Alliance is a group of concerned citizens working to save the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo. The Alliance includes longstanding benefactors of the museum, former trustees, design and heritage experts and senior museum professionals. Read more